Version 0.2 - The Item Update


- Added randomly generated buildings in the world, each building will randomise every time the player starts a new game.

- Added 2 new building types, Yellow house and Red House. Both have 2 locations items will spawn. Now 2 houses in the pool.

- Added randomly generated items in buildings, each building type has different locations that items will spawn.

- Added 2 new items, Large Screw and Screwdriver. Both have randomly assigned value. Now 2 items in the pool.

- Added player ability to handle items. Player can now pickup an item (X button / E key), and drop it (B button / G key).

- Added player inventory. Player has 4 slots they can store items in.

- Added foundations for UI elements to be shown on each individual player camera when playing split screen coop. This allows things to be shown on screen for each player, i.e. what item they are standing over and its value, and their inventory.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue where the cameras would overlap on 2 player split screen.

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