Version 0.7 - The Home-World Update


- Added Cubicus-Prime area. Travel to the cube home-world through the navigation terminal while in orbit.

- Added sell terminal to Cubicus-Prime. Here the player can sell their items for money.

- Added a days counter to the ship, this will count up every time you leave a planet, and serves as a benchmark for time spent in game.

- Added save games. The player can now load, play on and save their progress to 3 different save slots. When the player clicks play on the main menu, they will have the option of 3 save slots to load up. To save progress, travel to 'Home' and interact with the save-and-exit terminal. This will close the session and ask which slot to save the progress into.

- Added deleting player saves.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue where player would keep sliding after moving and entering sell menu at the same time.

- Fixed issue where players could spawn on top of each other.

- Fixed issue where the sell terminal would not update after an item had been sold

- Fixed issue where cargo terminal would not update after an item had been sold.

- Fixed issue where players could interact with terminals they were no longer in range of after switching scenes.

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